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Diversity is our Strength

Writer's picture: NBRNBR

Regardless of how some want to demonize her, US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is correct again. Democracy and the lie White Supremacy have never been compatible, and I am thankful that she is uncompromising about it. Now that People of Color are making up a critical mass and being elected to leadership, again there is a Whitelash just like there was to Reconstruction when Black men got the right to vote and made up a good number of federal seats. I keep pointing out the sheer numbers of First Nations and enslaved Africans who vastly outnumbered Whites in the beginning of this country's formation, being reduced to a numerical minority, resurging again now. What do you think caused the reduction of those numbers? US Representative Ocasio-Cortez and the other progressives may want to bring change quickly, and quickly point out the hypocrisy of some congressional norms, but it is needed. The youth do move faster than the elderly in many ways. They are also uncompromising about when the democracy they swore to defend sacrificed to gain their seats to defend is threatened by seditionists. I agree, they should not sit in Congress. This country has been compromising with this sedition for too long. Either one believes in democracy or one believes and promotes the lie of White Supremacy. One is self governance, and the other is governance by another. The infusion of youthful vision informed by wisdom from elders can really never lose. I believe that is the design of how generations are meant to be beneficial to society and each other. I do believe the electorate needs to similarly become more balanced. By voting age alone, this system seats power with the elderly. If we lowered the voting age to 16, continued Civics education K-12, we would have a more equitable and informed electorate. As I mentioned in a vlog with some Black men today, I read the best comment thread today. The thread amounted to, instead of requiring a civics test of elected officials, in keeping with the spirit of our democracy, someone replied, an informed electorate is supposed to be that check. We need to stop abdicating our role in this system of government we claim to cherish. By enfranchising more of the youth and those who have paid their time debt to society, we will take an opportunity to dismantle tyranny. The young would not continue to live with the tyranny of the old and policies would begin to reflect preparing for the future versus holding on to the past. I maintain that the youth are our leaders. Are we preparing them, tolerating them, or ignoring their pointing to the future? Also, the lies about immigration. Immigration was set up to supplement the US labor force. They were always meant to be a source of cheap labor and infusion to the economy as a result. Instead of having a system that requires slave labor, what if we imagined a different labor system and different thinking about immigrants? A byproduct of marketing the United States as a "land of opportunity" is, those of us who's families sacrificed and left everything they knew to come here are holding the US to its promise, pressing for the promise. They want what they came for, it is just in us because the seed of that hope was planted in us such that we came for it. Also, we are strengthening the resilience and sense of adventure that spurs innovation in the United States with the tenacity in people who would leave the familiar for the unknown. If we avail ourselves of the true history of this country versus the "American exceptionalism" marketing, the oppressed could have no greater ally.

Let's stop propping up that violent system that does not promote equity. The history of violence in this country indicates that they do want to rule over the ashes as AOC queries. It is the mentality of "if I cannot have it, no one will". We have seen it play out from individual acts of terror to mass acts of terror. I am relying on the intelligence agencies to do their job. I want to believe that they are moving with the rest of us to a more equitable society as I see more of my people go there to serve.

There is a difference between the social safety net and socialism. I am not about the government owning the means of production. I am about people not falling into poverty while Amazon doesn't pay any taxes and people are making millions and billions in a day. I saw this discussed on Morning Joe with Kurt Andersen on January, 15th, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. The irony of his last attempts being for a poor people's campaign and this conversation is not lost on me. I imagine that Mr. Andersen's week-long residency with them went from the New Deal to what Mr. Andersen calls the "Raw Deal". The Raw Deal is clearly how the economic policies of the 80s are being paid for now, so are all the rest. We are in pain because of a lack of value on education (music, vocational and other programs slashed), mental health care slashed, environmental deregulations and the trickle down economics sham to name a few. As US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says in this video, we can have a politics that is not based on the domination of one another. As for those who are those Christians sitting at tables of power instead of flipping them, this machination of domination doesn't endure but the true gospel does forever no matter how people push their false interpretations. Let's stop being spooked by manipulative talking points and do what we can do by the strength of our diversity! #AllPeople #AOC

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