I must honestly say, I always cite my sources. I do it out of integrity, and because of my academic and journalistic training. I wish more people did, but alas, this society does not value integrity. I believe the world that is coming, will have integrity as a currency. One may dismiss this fact as fallacy, but that is anyone's choice.
Definitely pay attention to this person's platform. I am glad that one of my friends made me aware of it. I am happy to share her platform here. I am not promoting a religion or spiritual practice. I am promoting, as always, the beauty of the diversity of humanity and the value in that.
In the first three videos I have watched from CC Rice, I have been exposed to the language of the body, and she spoke truth in a way that inspires what is deeply essential to humanity.
I was pointed to her TikTok platform with this video about the coming age.
I also watched these videos on her IG platform:
To those who know me well, I have been speaking about the caveman age I have sensed that we are leaving - the age of war and conquering. I have heard it referred to in many ways. It is no surprise to me that it is going out with bloodshed.
When people were talking about the end of the Mayan Calendar, as well as the prayers and meditations that went forth during the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, I sensed that things were in motion. Well, that is silly of me to say. The world has been in motion since before the elements spit out by the big bang cooled to make this planet inhabitable by us. I hope we are prepared.
I am concerned for those who have allowed themselves to be used by the old age and may not make the shift to this new one, but as I always say, I honor people's choices.
I will be watching out for her offerings going forward. I encourage you to do the same.