I realized something about myself recently when someone said something like, "Don't give it all away on the first date." 😆 No, they weren't talking about sex. 😆
What I offer to people often looks like attraction when it is the love I choose to express in the moments of my engagements with living beings. Unfortunately, we have such a low bar of giving and loving. As I have learned through Somatic Abolition, the journey of healing creates room. It is no longer a room through which I allow people to run roughshod, and I have the grace I desire to address violations in a way that honors my spirit (yes Beautiful).
I have grown to learn how to be accountable for my part in the misunderstanding that some people have about my intentions when I am expressing the human love I wish we all had for each other.
The love that I have to give has depths rarely recognized by others or myself. I have always "followed my bliss" as some say, in all relationships, plutonic or romantic. Co-Star confirmed that to me recently.
I have also always believed that the nth person that my mate and I will be will inspire depths of expressions of love that I have not yet expressed. I also accept that I may pass on without having the opportunity to realize it in this life. I have come very close many times, but I will know it when the man and the timing is right.
Something else that I realized about myself this year in April has greatly informed how I engage the world as well. My capacity to love is as individual as many others. I don't seek the status quo. I seek the uniqueness of my emergent journey and I hope to realize someone who authentically appreciates who I am. I definitely take the journey to know the difference.
A dear person once shared this with me, and it's not just about food. I am thankful that he recognized that I wasn't ready to trust that deeply at that time and didn't cause a conflict with me over it.
I could write many entries on this topic and maybe one day I will write more, but I would like to end this entry with the words of some powerful ancestors and one of my favorite platforms.
Reposted from @blackliturgies Survive. #blackliturgies