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Tantrums Being Had All Over

Writer's picture: NBRNBR

In my world white women are allowed to express their emotions, or even to deal with an injustice. I do not abide weaponizing your tantrum against people of color as has been done historically, leading to violence and other retaliations against us, causing us to expend time, energy and resources we shouldn't have to afford to defend ourselves.

As was done in this video, in the group I facilitate on Wednesday evenings weeks ago and in another group that I left where someone came to that group complaining of her treatment without context, and when the context was discovered it wasn't what she said, centering herself causing energy to be expended on her instead of the justice work people are doing. No one seemed to be interested in holding her to account besides me. This also happens everyday on social media where people delete their posts after some person of color spent their energy trying to give siloed people another perspective (see excerpt below). I am done with that random exhaustion, honoring what I see in people, continuing to allow people to expose who they really are. As BIPoC life goes, it happened again in the middle of my composing this entry before 7am. I am ultimately happy when it happens so I know who is around me and I can make choices about where they are in my life, if I allow them to remain at all. Please do consider the dynamic of not getting your way and having a tantrum as a result. It is powerful when you use your whiteness, or any privilege to bring justice, not to continue to get your selfish way. It's not just white women, tantrums are being had all over the globe because equity is coming to our global society after hundreds of years of terror and oppression. Those clutching their privilege are having the hardest time. How are you doing with it?


Gina Yashere's take on Sheryl Underwood's challenge at work.


Of course you get to choose whatever you like but when you delete our comments without a conversation and without regard for the gold we've shared on ANY topic, you're dishonoring our labor. It is labor to share our perspectives with you, especially if you are likely to be exhausting in these tantrum having ways.

Please read some helpful books on being anti-racist. Don't get mad at us because we don't want to teach you for free, confronting your exhausting behavior. I won't dishonor the labor of my ancestors by not honoring mine today.

If you are angry with anyone, dismantle the system that keeps you ignorant of how your behavior actually lands on the people around you.

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