Today I got to sit with some friends about our journey in the church and with religion.
I hope you will appreciate the information we shared here. As my friend said, yes, there are many topics in this video. I intended for it to be an overview of the issues that will be unpacked over time and my b/vlogging.
I hope you will utilize the Playback Speed option to shorten your listening time if that works for you. Unfortunately, at this point, I am not run by social media conventions, ten second videos indeed. 😉
Also, as a disclaimer, I apologize for whom cursing is still offensive, I cursed on this video which is not a normal practice of mine, but yes, in context, it was wholly appropriate. 😉
Here are the resources that go with some of what we mentioned during our discussion (get the books from your favorite outlets):
A good primer for this video, The White Savior Film Discussion
The Father’s Love Letter YouTube Channel, choose any of the love letters, you won’t be sorry… I wasn't.
Who is God?, one of my talks at my former church.
What is a Berean?
Dr. Ramani Durvasula YouTube Channel, expert on narcissism.
The Actuality of Adam and Eve, an alternate view of the rib story.
What’s That Culture on Your Christianity? - a talk I did 5 years ago.
Moving Forward song, got me through healing.