What it appears our constitution doesn't have a provision for is a party that doesn't believe/uphold democracy.
They declare that Trump "has the party". Okay, he clearly doesn't believe in The Constitution or the democracy for everyone. He has not lied, he wants us to live as the US was in 1776. Some of us want us to live in 2021 and beyond recognizing and enfranchising all of humanity which was not the case in 1776.
Who are you about this matter?
Another question I have is, what are the arguments for keeping parties? I understand that they weren't in the original plan and Washington warned against them, even as he held people as property. It piques my interest in what he found so abhorrent in political parties? I will have to learn more about this. I have few people I would love to interview about this. Personally, I am weary of how organizations rarely maintain a health check against toxicity. I know that if we create a differently oriented society, we will start the change we need. So who are we gonna be?
I am clear about who we've been. In the attached video, it questions the QOP. Given my concerns over this country's inability/unwillingness to hold insurrection and treason accountable; I again ask, who will this country be? It is up to a critical mass of us to move the rest in good faith, not the manipulative way it's been done wielding many aspects of fear.