It was no accident that I chose a ripple of water to be the image that represents my desire to share with the world. I had a vision for what I would like to ripple out to the world.
I won’t share the technology of what I learned from Resmaa because he asks us not to but think of those ripples inside of whatever construct is your reality. It fits many that I have heard including how Resmaa frames experiences we have as humans.
I won’t talk about all the metaphysics that go into my world view on this, but we are all rippling something into the world every minute of every day. Even if one does not consciously try to, and no matter what your spiritual or scientific beliefs are - 🎶you’re ripplin' baby🎶.
We may often think about what we ripple out, but do we think about what may be rippling back?
When a ripple bounces against something it starts to return.
What is redounding to you?
How would you change your behavior if what you put out comes back to you?
I am not talking about rules of behavior. I am talking about vibes and intentions and the resulting experiences.
When I consider what is happening in the world today, I see all the lies redounding on all of us because as much of an individual that we think that we are, we are also at the same time, potentially part of a collective at every scale of it (couple... family... neighborhood... city...)
We may not be a reaper of the benefits, and in some cases that is great. We may be a target of it, and in many cases that is devastating. It is represented in the sometimes nuanced conversations about Queen Elizabeth II’s passing, especially from people in former colonies or oppressed groups in commonwealth countries.
Like, regardless of my awareness and education about world politics and societal norms – the system, no one who meets me in another country knows that until we may get into deeper conversations. They don’t know that I value all beings. They don’t know that I wish there was never another war. They may probably know that I am a United Statesian because of my passport or my accent. Some Jamaicans may know I am also Jamaican from my accent (because everyone has an accent depending on where you are standing).
As a result of that person’s interpretation, they may treat me in whatever way they feel they should treat a United Statesian because what the United States does ripples as well. They may disrespect me because I am a Jamerican - gon' a foreign. If you are a Hatfield and you meet some McCoys, what ripples from that? There is no guarantee that everyone who meets you will appreciate or love you, but we need to strengthen our tools for those hard conversations and conflicts.
It is time to heal our inner children because their tantrums and craven needs are making this world uninhabitable.
Can we all do what we can do about what we allow to ripple? Those ripples scale…